Our Infrared sauna + ice bath are both powerful, health enhancing tools and below you'll find a few tips, tricks + suggestions to help you get the most out of your experience in the recovery room.
Our sauna sessions aren't just about sweating in a room. Sauna sessions tailored towards pain relief are vastly different to those tailored towards weight management or sleep. We understand that everyone is physiologically different + their ability to tolerate stressors varies greatly. So please use these recommendations as a guideline only.
Sauna Session Boosters:
Essential oils have been part of human healing for thousands of years. They are a potent way to introduce the healing properties of certain plants into your life. Essential oils can clean our cells, repair damaged cells + kill viruses + unwanted bacteria in the body. Adding essential oils to your sauna session will greatly enhance the experience + help you get your health back on track quicker.
For millennia, herbal teas have been used to heal, hydrate, calm + energise. Incorporating specific tea as part of your sauna routine ads depth to your session + experience.
The impacts of colour on brain function + mood have been documented for many centuries. Using specific colours as part of your sauna experience can positively influence your thoughts and mood during + after your session.
Below are some recommendations to help ease joints, reduce inflammation + reduce pain.
Temperature: 45-55 degrees Celsius
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Water Intake: 1-1.5 litres.
Tea (pre-sauna): Rosemary: Increases body temp + relaxes muscles (good for those who take longer to sweat). Ginger: Promotes circulation. Chamomile: Same as Rosemary. Turmeric: Anti-Inflammatory, thins + cleanses blood, anti microbial. Calendula: Anti-inflammatory.
Oils: Lemongrass, frankincense or rosemary.
Colour: Orange or Yellow.
* The closer you are to the heaters the deeper the heat can penetrate, so get nice and close. There is also a backrest available should you need to separate yourself from them slightly.
For many of you, a good night's sleep is a luxury. Let's fix that.
Temperature: 40-50 degrees Celsius
Duration: 35-50 minutes
When: 30-40 minutes before bed
Water Intake: 1-1.5 litres.
Tea (post-sauna): Chamomile: Muscle relaxant.
Oils: Lavender.
Colour: Red.
* Avoid using your phone or going home and turning on the TV after your sauna session.
If you train with us then your nutrition + fitness side of things is already taken care of. Below are some recommendations to help give you that extra boost in weight management.
Temperature: 65-70 degrees Celsius.
Duration: 30-45 minutes (depending on your comfort levels)
Water Intake: 1-1.5 litres.
Tea (post-sauna): Peppermint: refreshes + invigorates. Dandelion: Detox.
Oils: Citrus, grapefruit or tangerine.
Colour: Blue or purple.
* We want to work the body harder than a typical sauna session + want to be pushing for the last few minutes. Heat stress is great for weight management so we want the body in slight discomfort. This is also where a cold shower or ice bath comes into play as the hot to cold creates thermogenesis in our brown fat stores which helps assimilate these harder-to-move fat stores.
A body burdened with toxins leaves us feeling sluggish + sick. The infrared sauna is now revered as one of the most efficient ways to detox the body.
Temperature: 45-55 degrees Celsius
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Water Intake: 1-1.5 litres.
Tea (post-sauna): Ginger: Circulation. Dandelion: Detox.
Oils: Clove, lemongrass.
Colour: Yellow, green, blue.
* Stay within this temperature range, even if you feel like you can go hotter. Use this session to rid the body of toxins.
Whether you are a top athlete or just training to be fit for life, our infrared sauna will help you recover from your training sessions.
Temperature: 45 degrees Celsius
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Water Intake: 1-1.5 litres.
Tea (post-sauna): Ginger: Circulation.
Oils: Lemongrass, eucalyptus or peppermint.
Colour: Yellow.
* This is a recovery session, not a workout. The temperature can be raised as you see fit but we don't want it so hot as to create a second workout for your body.
If you want to amplify the health benefits received via your sauna sessions then adding in a cold ice bath at the start + end of your session is how to achieve this.
Temperature: Sauna: 65-70 degrees Celsius. Ice-Bath: 5-10 degrees Celsius.
Routine/Duration: Ice-Bath First: 90s+ (depending on your comfort levels). Sauna Second: 30-45 minutes. Ice-Bath Last: 90s+ (depending on your comfort levels).
*Ice-Bath only sessions can be anywhere from 90s-15 minutes and repeated for multiple intervals depending on your level of experience/tolerance.
Water Intake: 1-1.5 litres.
Tea (post-sauna): Peppermint: refreshes + invigorates. Dandelion: Detox.
Oils: Citrus, grapefruit or tangerine.
Colour: Blue or purple.
Benefits: Helps you adapt to stressors + become stronger (Hormesis), Increases blood flow, Improves immune function, Helps you burn fat + manage weight, Reduces stress, Increases energy levels, Boosts your mood + mental state, and Improves sleep.
*Whilst a toasty sauna followed by a dip in the ice bath is rejuvenating and safe for most, it's not for everyone. In fact, those with heart conditions should avoid the experience. Cold receptors in the face and scalp respond to the quick drop in temperature. This stimulates the "diving reflex," a complex cardio respiratory reaction. It can cause shortness of breath, decreased cardiac output and rapid decrease in pulse. Please speak to your doctor before attempting an ice bath if you are unsure whether or not it's safe for you.